Author: Gym Bot


Take Steps Toward a Healthier Lifestyle

There isn’t a better time than now to start getting fit with health information and products so easily accessible. Simply incorporate the basics into your daily routine – good nutrition, adequate exercise and a daily supplement – and start down the path toward better health. Plan a Nutritious Diet The Dietary Guidelines for Americans describes […]

tech fitness

Get Fit: Tackle goals with fitness-friendly tech gadgets

Committing to getting fit and actually doing it aren’t always one and the same but relying on tech devices can be an effective way to tackle your fitness goals. From watches and phones to earbuds and virtual reality headsets, technology can make it easier to track your progress and create a more enjoyable workout experience. […]

fitness tips

6 Ways to Build Lasting Healthy Habits

Starting on a path toward healthy habits is often easier than maintaining them long term. This year, you can avoid a major pitfall of healthy resolutions and build healthy habits that stick by working small, positive steps into your daily life. In fact, healthy habits are the first suggested treatment strategy for people whose blood […]